Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California

  1. Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California
  2. Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California 925
  3. Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California Md
  4. Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California 9

When the late State Sen. Charles Chew arrived for a party at the home of a friend in Madison Park, there wasn`t a parking place to be had. So, in his characteristic way, Chew simply drove his old black Rolls-Royce up onto the grassy parkway beside the street.

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Although it wasn`t the most considerate thing Chew could have done, he was in no danger of being ticketed or having his car towed because East Madison Park is a private street, one that isn`t patrolled by city police or, for that matter, cleaned, plowed or maintained by the city. The residents on the three-block-long street pay for all of its upkeep-street lights, parkway, sidewalks, sewers and water mains. This narrow one-way roadway, with its 10 m.p.h. speed limit and speed bumps, winds around a delightful parkway of trees, shrubbery and grass to provide a street for the residents of the houses and mostly luxury apartment buildings that line both sides of the oval-shaped Park.

At either side of Madison Park, at Dorchester and Woodlawn Avenues, between 51st and 50th Streets in Hyde Park, are iron fences and signs that say 'Private.' That privacy offers a peaceful retreat in the midst of the urban clamor. When you enter Madison Park, you feel as if you are leaving the city behind.

Madison Park is only one of the 123 known private streets, owned and maintained either by residents or developers, that are listed in the most recent (1989) Chicago Street Guide issued by the Department of Maps and Plats. And those listed in the guide are only a portion of the many private streets that contribute to Chicago`s unusually impeccable grid, according to Robert Keller, right-of-way agent in the Department of Public Works and who has been involved with private streets for most of his 35 years with the city.

Most cities have private streets, some dating back to the time when the urban centers themselves were being planned, when developers were creating oases for those who could afford them in the midst of what often looked like chaos in the emerging city. Gramercy Park in New York and Earl`s Court Square in London are two of the most famous.

Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California

Although the residents of Madison Park and other private Chicago streets were certainly affluent enough, they were not among the very rich of the city. But their private roads nonetheless offered a certain exclusivity, even if not on as lofty a level as that of Prairie Avenue or Astor Street.


The middle class also lived on private streets. One such enclave was East View Park, a modest brown brick rental complex along a private street bordering a small park beside the lake at 54th Place. Later, the developer put up another building on landfill made from furnace cinders. Unfortunately for East View Park`s tenants, their immediate access to the beach was cut off when the city built Burnham Park and Lake Shore Drive in the `30s.

There are many more modest, old private residential streets in Chicago.

'It`s all a matter of economics,' Keller says. 'Those who have the money can have the privileges of a private street. Those who don`t, can`t.' Keller also says that a developer could-and still can-construct private streets for less money than the city because they needn`t be built as well as city streets, which are designed to carry heavy trucks and heavy traffic.

Most of the original private streets were in commercial/industrial areas, such as the three-block long stretch of the recently paved Packers Avenue on the South Side. Once a main artery through the stockyards, Packers Avenue, six blocks long, now looks mostly like a wasteland in fields overgrown with weeds. Half of Packers Avenue is still private, but the other half now belongs to the city. Keller expects that the rest of it will soon be taken over by the city under the Stockyards Industrial Park economic development program, a $5.25 million infrastructure improvement project of the Department of Economic Development.

Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California 925

The maintenance costs of private streets, borne not by the developer but by those who buy the property alongside them, often become onerous. Owners then try to give the streets to the city, which in turn assesses homeowners for the cost of bringing the streets into compliance with city standards. The assessment, however, still costs less than permanent maintenance.

Those who maintain their own streets and pay a relatively handsome price for them contend that it`s worth it, says Phil Richman, a resident of Park Place in Hyde Park, just south of 55th Street, between Kenwood and Dorchester. Park Place is a 31-year-old development in which some of the houses, including Richman`s, were designed by I.M. Pei, an architect best known for his modernistic high-rise office and residential buildings.

'Ours is not so very private,' Richman says. 'A lot of pedestrians use it as a shortcut, but the traffic is absolutely minimal. You can always see a parent trailing behind a 2- or 3-year-old on a tricycle. The kids play ball, ride their bikes, or just play out there all year. Even though there are people walking through regularly, it is still very peaceful and quiet.'

Many streets remain private only because their owners can`t afford the city assessments. A block-long private portion of Oakley Avenue, on the Southwest Side from 3900-3950, is one of these.

A few old, rundown frame bungalows stand on this street, and its roadway is barely driveable. It has no curbs or sidewalks and is overgrown on both sides with weeds. What once was obviously a tiny well-maintained working-class enclave has become a tiny slum tucked away among factories-many of them closed-vacant lots and working-class homes. The owners of this street can neither afford to maintain it nor pay the required assessments. Keller says the situation is not unusual.

Between the extremes of such well-maintained park/streets as Madison Park and such neglected private streets as Oakley are century-old little stretches of private streets like the curved half block of Cambridge Avenue north of Belden in Lincoln Park. It`s a narrow paved street on which there are some very old apartment buildings, a modern house, at least one pre-Chicago Fire house and a stable that probably also predates the Fire. There are no gates or fences to set it apart from any other public street.

At the other end of the access spectrum is the one-block-long, brick-paved Concord Lane, just north of North Avenue at Wells Street, built in 1980 in a new townhouse development. Concord Lane is so private it has locked gates at either end. Entry is gained only by key or by phoning a resident from the gate. Besides the mailman, who has a key, no outsider gets into Concord Lane. The houses here are worth just under half a million dollars, according to one resident.

Throughout the area between Division and Addison, the lake and Ashland, which has been undergoing massive gentrification and building in the last 15 years, there are numerous private streets like Concord Lane that prevent public access and provide protection and privacy, most often to young couples who a generation ago might have gone to the suburbs to raise families.

Anomalously, even those who could least be expected to afford private streets-public-housing residents-sometimes have them, complete with gates and fences. The gate was open at one end, though, when we visited a tiny stretch of Cleveland Avenue just north of Chicago Avenue, the southern flank and single-family-home section of Cabrini-Green. This so-called private street is now only a wide sidewalk with a slide sitting in the middle of it between two rows of little two-story attached houses.

Why this little piece of Cleveland Avenue is listed as private is something of a mystery. Even more mysterious is the listing as private of California Terrace, which is merely a courtyard of a large apartment complex on Briar Street just east of Halsted.

But Charles O`Connor, superintendent of the Maps and Plats Department, clears up the mystery. These sidewalks are listed as streets in the guide merely as legal designations, O`Connor says. They were, indeed, once streets. California Terrace goes back to 1902. The various owners of the property, over time, never removed the designation, so even though the streets long ago became sidewalks, they continue to be listed the other way.

Although the newer private streets, those in fashionable townhouse developments, are all on the North Side, the older private streets are mostly on the South, Far South or Southwest Sides of the city. In fact, only 17 of the 123 listed private streets are on the North Side. Some of the rest are in large, private Far South Side subdivisions built during the last 30 years, or they are in public-housing projects, such as Altgeld Gardens. Most, though, are simply small sections of continuous public streets.

Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California Md

Keller says that the number of private streets has remained fairly constant over the years. As old industry abandons the city, some of the land it occupied is developed by new companies or by residential developers, who maintain the streets. And as some private streets that served commerce and industry become public, new private residential streets are built to serve the affluent middle class.

Speed Dating Under 30 In Parkway California 9

Meanwhile, many of the old residential streets have been rejuvenated in the last 20 years as people have sought out property to renovate or have seized the opportunity to build on little private roadways that offer an island of calm in the midst of a throbbing metropolis. In other words, a little getaway without having to get away.